In the above video, ICON Aircraft’s Flight Training Network Manager, Andy Jackson, offers a few glimpses into the process of becoming an ICON Authorized Flight Instructor. From teaching the fundamentals of the ICON A5’s safety features and the Angle of Attack Gauge to the requirements needed to become an instructor, this video is meant to be a resource for aspiring and current pilots interested in A5 Flight Training.
In addition to previewing ICON’s overall training philosophy, the video offers a look at how we standardize our IAFI currency training and the origins of our standard operating procedures. Our team is often asked about the difference between company flight instructors and ICON Authorized Flight Instructors (IAFI). Hopefully customers take away, whether they are training with an ICON Company Pilot or one of our ICON Authorized Flight Instructors, they can expect the highest level of instruction specifically focused on the mission of the A5.
How to Become an ICON Authorized Flight Instructor
IAFI have the privilege of introducing pilots and non-pilots of all skill levels and backgrounds to the experience of the ICON A5. Its intuitive design and unique safety features set it apart from other platforms, to say nothing of the A5’s ability to land on both water and land runways. This makes the A5 incredibly seamless to fly for pilots of all skill levels, but does require some nuance for instructors to understand when they are accustomed to flying conventional fixed wing aircraft.
An Introduction to the ICON A5
The ICON A5 amphibious seaplane is more than a mode of transportation; it’s a shift in the way we view personal aviation. With its emphasis on safety and ease of operation, the A5 redefines how and where an aircraft can take you. Given this, instructors are encouraged to place particular focus on the A5’s spin-resistant airframe, intuitive Angle of Attack gauge, and amphibious characteristics that allow the aircraft to maneuver in both land and water maneuvers.
As ICON’s Owner Community continues to grow, the demand for qualified instructors who can familiarize pilots with the A5 is paramount to expanding adventure flying to the masses. With an influx of new pilots eager to explore the skies, IAFI’s are at the forefront, shaping not just the flying journey of new sport or seaplane pilots but the future of personal aviation itself.
Requirements to Become an ICON Authorized Flight Instructor
Before an IAFI can start instructing aspiring and current A5 Owners in their aircraft, they must meet a set of prerequisites, largely defined by insurance company minimums.
- 80 Seaplane Hours
- 500 Total Hours (TT)
- CFI, Commercial ASES and ASEL
- 100 Hours of Dual Instruction Given
Once qualified, they must meet the following currency requirements before teaching:
- In the past 90 days, IAFI must have performed at least 1 A5 currency flights, to include 3 takeoff and 3 landings on both the land and water
Embracing the Curriculum
The training curriculum for an ICON Authorized Flight Instructor takes roughly four days to cover and features both ground and in-flight instruction. Assuming every potential IAFI will have a considerable amount of flying and teaching experience, the bulk of the course is spent delving into ICON’s philosophy on low-level flying, the Angle of Attack Gauge, and water operations. Additionally, a considerable amount of time is spent highlighting some tendencies our company pilots see when teaching new A5 Owners.
For those interested in becoming an ICON Authorized Flight Instructor or finding an instructor in their area, sign up for ICON Flight Training or a Demo Flight via the button below.
Paul is the Director of Marketing for ICON Aircraft. Before ICON, Paul was the Director of Video and Branded Content for Ranker, INC. and The Wrap. He was the host of Hulu's first original production, The Morning After, and co-developed Twitch.TV's first talk show, Game Talk Live. He is a private pilot based out of Pasadena, CA.